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Image by Darius Bashar

Emotional Freedom Technique

What is EFT?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as Tapping or EFT Tapping. EFT is a practical technique which aids the release of overwhelming emotions, limiting beliefs and pain. This self-help medication free method works with the mind and body connections either as a self-help tool or with a certified practitioner to work through complex situations.  EFT tapping helps us tune in and work through the negative patterns that we form from our own feeling, thoughts, memories.


EFT combines both Eastern and Western medicine to de regulate the nervous system when we tune into the negative pattens we form around our thoughts feelings and memories. By tapping or pressing on the specific acupressure points along the meridian lines (Chinese medicine (QI) system) while incorporating mindfulness, brief exposure, neural re conditioning we bring the thoughts or emotions to our consciousness with the aim to relieve, relax and promote healing around the emotions connected to that situation and more.


Where It all Began.

Gary Craig a Stamford-trained engineer in the 90’s founded EFT while studding under Dr Rodger Callahan an American psychologist who developed Thought Field Therapy (TFT).

Dr Callahan’s TFT was one of the first methods in what is now called Energy Psychology. Gary Craig a master in Neuro linguistic Programming (NLP) worked to refine and simplify the TFT techniques while incorporating the NLP principles to maintain positive, measurable results. He ultimately developed a simple yet very profound set of techniques which he made available to everyone. Gary Craig understood that by addressing the emotional foundations and underpinnings of troubling thoughts, painful symptoms, and frustrating obstacles that problems could be more quickly and easily resolved.


None of this would have been possible without Dr Callahan and fellow health care professionals John Diamond and George Goodheart, who brought the Eastern practices and concepts of Acupuncture, Acupressure, and the body as an integrated, energetic mechanisms to the West. All three discovered that focusing on a problem at hand while simultaneously stimulating the body’s energy meridians created surprisingly rapid and deeper results in the 1970/1980’s.


How will the treatment feel?

Each person experiences EFT Tapping differently depending on the individual needs at the time meaning no two treatments are alike.


Clients may or may not feel sensations during a treatment. Some feel emotional connections to memories, sensations of cold, walm, calm, crying, laughter. whilst others can feel an emotional response indication of shift are taking place within the body. Beyond all doubt, this is a treatment that is different for each person and only once you have experienced it will you believe its potential and provide a clear perspective on the situation.

This is suitable for any age even children, The nature of Eft tapping can be helpful to many, especially at difficult times in our lives when we feel overwhelmed or disconnected and lost both emotional and physically, most of all is provides clarity on the situation.





Who can receive EFT Tapping treatments.

Anyone can receive Emotional Freedom Technique sessions from children to pregnant woman pre and post birth. When working with Children the parent or care giver must be present in the therapy room throughout the treatment. Children’s sessions are usually shorter than an adult session.


What Kinds of Things Can it Be Used For?

EFT has had great results working with individuals who have in the moment and deeper connections to situations. Gary Craig, EFT’s founder, always said, “Try it on Everything!” His case studies document EFT’s use on areas from emotional turmoil and upset to serious health conditions and troubling memories from childhood events and PTSD. It may also be helpful for the following.


  • Headaches.

  • injuries.

  • emotional overwhelm.

  • Fear of any kind.

  • performance anxiety or worries and fear.

  • Negative moods.

  • Negative emotional states which cause difficulties in accessing your enjoyment of Life.

  • Troubles or blocks, confusion around situations or feeling preventing you from having clarity.

  • Stress reduction.

  •  hurts and wounds from unresolved old memories.

  • traumatic events, including PTSD.

  • Release old limiting beliefs.

  • Increase the healing process of health conditions.

  • Self-sabotaging.

  • Phobias.

  • Unwanted coping behaviours, smoking, overeating etc




How is it done?

Eft can be used in two ways as a self-help tool to support everyday living and with a practitioner for more deeper situations where you can be carefully guided through the situations at hand and supported all the way. Both include you Tapping using your own fingers to tap or press gently on 9 acupressure points to stimulate the energy flow on your head, hands and torso while fully dressed.


As a self-help tool

You tap using your own fingertips to gently stimulate 9 acupressure points along the head, hand, and torso, while focusing on something you’d like to change in that moment for the better.


As a therapeutic tool

 You and the certified practitioner work together in a private session personalised to your situation. You will be directed by a certified Practitioner and follow the tapping points and focused statement within each sequence on a deeper, more skilful level. The practitioner will use the Tapping to bring relief to the Mind-Body system and the brain’s neural connections that words alone cannot reach while regulating the nervous system to bring balance and change to your situation.


5 Stage Tapping Sequence


Tapping Order


  1. Karate Chop

  2. Top of head

  3. Eyebrow

  4. Side of eye

  5. Under eye

  6. Under Lip

  7. Chin

  8. Under Arm

9.   Top of head




  • First try to connect with how you feel before you start i.e., how big emotionally Is the concern and where are you feeling it in the body. This will give you a point of reference to measure the effectiveness after you have completed the sequence.


  • Start tapping on point 1 using your first two fingers, taking a few deep breaths to calm yourself.



  • When ready say the following …… Even though I feel …………………… (Happy, sad, worries, anxious etc, follow the therapist advice from your session). I truly and deeply accept myself or you can say I’m happy for this to change now.


  • Repeat the phrases 3 to 5 times on tapping point 1 (karate chop) next move through all the other tapping points following the number sequence repeating the words I’m am happy, I am free ,I am clear, I am free.



  • Finally take a deep breath inhaling and exhaling. The breaths can be repeated for up to 3 times if needed.


  • Give yourself a few minutes to settle, you should feel your emotional intensity has reduced from before you started. You can repeat this again until you feel calm enough to continue with your day.




How Many sessions would I needs?

This is never an easy question to answer because no two individuals are the same. On average a minimum of 2 sessions for a specific area ie fear of spiders. More complex intertwined areas will require a group of session. This will be discussed in depth at your initial consultation, we ask for you to keep an open mind and trust in the process as you may receive a collection of treatments and therapies within each session to best support you. The rule of thumb is if you’re finding this beneficial and helpful, it’s a good idea to continue the treatment and follow the advice of the practitioner. This is not meant to be a long-term process may individuals have experienced changes after one or two sessions.


This is a whole person treatment. Each session can take between 45 minutes to 90 minutes depending on the client’s must be said at this stage, EFT practitioners are not trained in diagnosis and will not predict any specific outcome from the treatment. If you are concerned about your symptoms, you should speak with your doctor.




There are no contra-indications with Emotional Freedom Technique. Both systems are non-invasive treatments that can be delivered with in many settings including distance via WhatsApp, Zoom. EFT Tapping does not require any special equipment which makes this treatment incredibly versatile and effective to all.



Pricing is set by the time allocated for each session as these sessions are individual to each person. Within the consultation process the whole session will be explained and you will then be advised on the correct session time.

Each session will either be 60 minute or 90 minute sessions, there may be a requirement for longer sessions if you are wishing to work on a complex situation or wish to make a real change. There is an option of 2 hour and ½ day sessions. This will be discussed with in your consultation as you may benefit from a collaboration of treatments and techniques to provide the optimum results.  Children’s sessions are usually 45 minutes to 1 hours this will also be discussed with in the consultation with the parent or care giver by phone prior to the appointment.


Adult sessions

30 minutes @ £30

60 minutes @ £50

90 minutes @ £70

  2 hours @ £100

  ½ Day (4 hours) @ £170


Children Sessions (16 years and under)

45 Minutes @ £45

60 minutes @ £50


Scientific Evidence and field studies for EFT


Although Emotional freedom techniques or EFT Tapping is still seen as a fairly new Technique, one of the main components has been used for centuries. The EFT gentle tapping on meridians used in acupuncture and no needle acupressure when combined with the current psychotherapies, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Exposure Therapy, this tapping if providing amazing results.


With around 100 field studies and over 40 published in peer-reviewed journals including clinical field trials and results, EFT is now a recognised technique in the USA for war Veterans suffering with PTSD.

Case studies and trail links for EFT

Medical Disclaimer - The information on this site or materials within our blogs are general information only and not intended or implied as medical advice or diagnosis. We will always recommend you speak with you Doctor if you have concerns, and we may advise you speak with your GP prior treatment with The Talking Hat.


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All appointments to be booked directly through Melanie. NO walk in appointments available

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